A Trip to Maine – With #Vicshipsterfriend

So this past weekend, my hipster friend (@Jh0ff) and I drove up to Maine for the search of adventure. We literally always try to make a weekend special, but we never went 8 hours away on a photography adventure. I wanted to make this weekend more memorable since my birthday was this past weekend and I […]

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Highlights of Utah

Utah was special, the scenery is a bit like Arizona but with its own flare. Zion National Park So Zion NP has been on my list of to-do’s for a while and of course since I was in Arizona the night before we jetted over the border to Utah! Our hotel was actually a few […]

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Washington State Highlights

The Pacific Northwest has always peaked my interest since I got Instagram, I mean how could you not like the region?! Washington was a no brainer on my list of to visit states on my itinerary. There’s nice people everywhere willing to show you around and there’s just so much to be shown. In a […]

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